Soft Tissue Injuries

Soft Tissue Injuries

Soft tissue is the term used to describe tissues in the body that are not hard or calcified such as bones and teeth. Soft tissues are muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia, blood vessels, nerves, fat, fibrous tissues, lymph, skin, and synovial membranes. Therefore, a...
Bone Healing

Bone Healing

A fracture occurs when there is a break in a bone due to trauma. This can be a small crack such as a stress or greenstick fracture or a full break across the width of the bone. When this occurs, structures such as nerves and blood vessels within the bones are...


A fracture is a break in the continuity of a bone in the body. This may be a small crack or a complete break in the bone where the two ends are no longer in contact. This occurs when the bone is subjected to forces that are higher than what it can handle. There are...
The Core

The Core

This is definitely one of the most talked about concepts, not only in the physiotherapy world but within the sports and fitness industry in general. The core also remains a mystery to most people. We all hear about how we need to strengthen the core, engage the core,...


“Honey, I have a Headache!” Has this pesky condition affected you yet again? Some of us are fortunate enough to only suffer from headaches occasionally or almost never, while others get them more frequently,  and sometimes without any obvious explanation. Headache is...